Investment & Consulting, News & Legislation
Processing industry and manufacturing: 11 703 projects and a total investment of 172 billion US dollars, accounting for 59% and 69.4% of the project total investment of registration,
- Real estate business: 576 projects with a total registered investment capital of 52 billion US dollars, accounting for nearly 2% of projects and 17.7% of total registered investment capital
- Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water, air: 108 projects and a total investment of U$D 7 billion accounted for 4.3% of total investment capital registered
- Construction: 1376 projects, the total registered capital of $ 2.7 billion, accounting for 13% of projects and 3.6% of total registered capital.
No Specialization Number of projects The total investment capital registered (Million dollars)
Ratio 1 Processing industry, manufacturing 11.703 172.399,578 58,8% 2 Real estate business 576 52.029,264 17,7% 3 Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water, air 108 12.727,209 4,3% 4 Lodging and meals 540 11.330,463 3,9% 5 Construction 1.376 10.611,878 3,6% 6 Wholesale and retail; repair of automobiles, motorcycles 2.222 5.293,009 1,8% 7 Information and communication 1.475 4.718,312 1,6% 8 Transport and storage 604 4.285,869 1,5%
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